

[106美國直購] 3M GF230W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 23吋 Widescreen Monitor


[106美國直購] 3M GF230W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 23吋 Widescreen Monitor

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[106美國直購] 3M GF230W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 23吋 Widescreen Monitor


[106美國直購] 3M GF230W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 23吋 Widescreen Monitor


[106美國直購] 3M GF230W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for
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Keeps your personal or confidential information safe from prying eyes

Designed to fit widescreen monitors with a diagonally measured 23.0' viewing screen and a 16:9 aspect ratio

Actual filter dimensions are 20 1/16' x 11 5/16' (510 mm x 287 mm)
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Offers the highest level of clarity within 3M's line of privacy filters

Reversible, privacy filter can be used with either gold or black side facing the user

Landscape orientation. Touch not compatibe.Scratch resistant.Reduces 35 percent of blue light transmission from the display

From the manufacturer

3M Privacy Products

Featuring microlouver technology pioneered, designed and optimized by 3M to block side views so you see yo液晶螢幕 開箱評測 好康偷偷說 液晶螢幕ur screen clearly while people on either side see a vivid golden shield.

Privacy is the best policy

These days, screens are everywhere. And so are visual hackers. With the increase of mobile workers, open workspaces, and the migration of data to the cloud, computer screens can display private information virtually anywhere.

An unprotected screen can expo液晶螢幕 好物推薦 液晶螢幕 真心推薦se sensitive and private information, trade secrets and business plans. And the reality is, a visual hacker may only need one piece of valuable information to unlock a large-scale data breach.

A leader in screen privacy and protection

For more than 30 years, 3M has been advancing optical technology to deliver the gold standard in visual privacy. We remain a trusted global leader today—continuing to improve our technology, features and breadth of product.

Display and device technology continues to advance. So do we. Our privacy filters work simply and beautifully on most of today’s monitors to help protect your screens, and help keep the information on them private.

Behind the simplicity of our products is a powerful combination of optical science and sheer ingenuity you’ve come to expect from 3M. Rest assured, our products are inspected for quality defects, ensuring that you get authentic 3M Privacy Filters, with science applied to life.

Visual hacking: when information is visually captured without permission. But we’ve got you covered.

Gold standard in privacy

3M Gold Privacy Filters are perfectly suited for most of today’s high-resolution monitors. Mainta液晶螢幕 開箱實測 液晶螢幕 真心推薦in optical clarity while projecting a vivid golden shield to side views.

How privacy filters work

3M Privacy Filters block side views outside the 60 degree viewing angle, while providing a crisp, clear view to those directly in front of the screen.

Microlouver technology

A single microlouver is about as thin as a single strand of hair. There are thousands of microlouvers within one 3M Privacy Filter—all好康偷偷說 優缺點分析優缺點排行榜 virtually undetectable by the human eye.

Attachment options

3M Gold Privacy Filters for Monitors attach with optically clear adhesive strips or easily removable slide mount tabs.

Find the right privacy filter for your screen

Step 1: Determine your screen type

Does your device have a raised bezel or a flat front glass screen?

Raised bezel: Screen with a raised frame around the edges.

Flat front glass: Screen with edge-to-edge glass without a raised frame.

Step 2: Measure your screen

For a raised bezel screen, measure the height (h) and width (w) of the screen's viewable area within the bezel.

For a flat front glass screen, measure the height (h) and width (w) of the entire glass display.

Step 3: Find your filter

Use the measurements to select the right sized filter for your device from the products listed below.

Best fit tip: If you don't see a filter that matches your measurements, select a filter that is larger yet closest to your measurements.


Product description

Color:Gold | Style:23' Widescreen (16:9 Aspect Ratio)

3M Gold Privacy Filters keep confidential information private when working in public places. User sees clearly while people on either side see a vivid golden screen.

Product information

Color:Gold | Style:23' Widescreen (16:9 Aspect Ratio)

Technical Details

Collapse all


Screen Size 23 inches

Other Technical Details
熱騰騰開箱 賤價大拍賣

Brand Name 3M


Item model number GF230W9B

Item Weight 12 ounces

Product Dimensions 0.1 x 14.5 x 21.8 inches

Item Dimensions L x W x H 0.13 x 14.5 x 21.75 inches

Color Gold



[106美國直購] 3M GF230W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 23吋 Widescreen Monitor

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[106美國直購] 3M GF230W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 23吋 Widescreen Monitor






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[106美國直購] 3M GF230W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 23吋 Widescreen Monitor


[106美國直購] 3M GF230W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 23吋 Widescreen Monitor


[106美國直購] 3M GF230W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 23吋 Widescreen Monitor


[106美國直購] 3M GF230W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 23吋 Widescreen Monitor


[106美國直購] 3M GF230W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 23吋 Widescreen Monitor

開箱 評價 評測,

[106美國直購] 3M GF230W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 23吋 Widescreen Monitor


[106美國直購] 3M GF230W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 23吋 Widescreen Monitor


[106美國直購] 3M GF230W9B 螢幕防窺片 3M Gold Privacy Filter for 23吋 Widescreen Monitor


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國際機場協會(Airports Council International, ACI)日前公布2017年國際機場服務品質調查,桃園機場在旅運4000萬人次以上的「大聯盟」組,初登場就獲得第3名。桃園機場公司副總經理但昭璧強調,這是桃園機場200多個公、民營單位共3萬多名工作人員共同努力獲得的成績,未來將持續精進或改善軟、硬體,提供旅客更好的服務。國際機場協會(ACI)剛公布的2017年國際機場服務品質調查成績,桃園機場在旅運4000萬人次以上的「大聯盟組」,初登場就獲得第3名佳績。圖為桃園機場第航廈旅客準備搭機情形。 記者陳嘉寧/攝影 分享 facebook 此外,英國非營利獨立調查機構Skytrax也於21日公布,桃園機場榮獲2018年最佳證照查驗服務機場(Best Airport Immigration)全球第1名。這是繼2014年證照查驗獲得全球第3之後,首次拿到世界冠軍的好成績。 #div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0 iframe { margin:auto; display: block; }

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#innity-in-post { border-bottom: 1px solid #d9d9d9 !important; width: 100%; display: block; padding-top: 15px; } */但昭璧副總經理指出,桃園機場或許硬體實力還不如他國,但在服務軟實力的極緻發揮,應是獲獎的最大關鍵。桃園機場過去年度旅客運量僅列入「小聯盟」分組,2016年旅運量突破4000萬人次,2017年首度在「大聯盟」組與世界眾多標竿機場競爭,這次從聯外交通、報到、安檢通關、餐飲、整體品質等34項指標綜合調查中獲得第3名。但昭璧認為,國際機場協會對機場服務品質調查中,「聯外交通」項目占了很重要的分數。桃機過去僅靠國道擔負聯外重任,壅塞又耗費往返交通時間,旅客偶有抱怨,去年機場捷運通車,新增聯外交通選擇,使桃園機場大大加分。其他硬體、軟體改善設施包括:由機場公司規畫的A1台北車站預辦登機設施;擴建第2航廈,南側已經啟用;去年5月第3航廈動土,完工後每年增加約2000萬旅運量;凌晨大眾交通工具收班後,推出計程車共乘制度,提供旅客更好的服務。但昭璧指出,桃園機場是座近40年歷史的台灣國門,多年來始終不停肩負著國家連接世界的重任,一方面維持原有的營運能量,又要不斷建設更新,「穿著西裝改西裝」一直是桃機的苦。從剛結束的春運工作來看,桃機單日旅客量上衝到14萬5000人次歷史新紀錄,在硬體建設、航廈空間未完全到位前,機場各單位的溝通協調與合作就更顯重要。春運之前2個月各單位開始沙盤推演,研究加快旅客通關速度,最後的結果尚稱滿意,旅客整體通關所需時間沒有延長太多。


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